Discipleship – Service – Healthy Living – Community
Let’s DoCamp!
Greetings from Dickson Valley!
We can’t wait to DoCamp with you! We hope to answer any questions you have with the information we have gathered below; however, please let us know if you have other questions. So then, let’s get you ready to “DoCamp” this summer!
Some Basic Expectations Here are a few basic things to expect this summer:
Housing - you will live in one of the designated staff lodges on camp. Each lodge is equipped with bunk beds and a small area for personal items.
All lodges are air conditioned.
The bathroom and shower facilities are either located in the lodge in which you are billeted or within a very short walk of the lodge.
Each week of the summer our amazing kitchen staff will provide all of your meals.
What to wear: It’s summer! Expect warm to hot weather, maybe some rain days.
Casual Dress Clothes (for trips to town on days off, Church clothes, etc.)
Comfortable Work Shirts
Long Pants
Long Sleeves (hoodies, sweatshirts, over-shirts, button shirts)
Maintenance and Kitchen workwear (long pants and closed toe shoes/boots)
Shoes - tennis for play, sandals for lake, work shoes/boots.
Swimwear (Keep Modest. Don’t cause your brother or sister to stumble)
Ladies: one piece suits. Gentlemen: trunks (no speedos) and shirts to swim in
What should I bring to camp?
Bedding (blankets, pillows, and sheets for a twin bed or sleeping bags)
Entertainment (games, music, books, etc)
Musical Instruments (that can be carried by yourself. No need for your Baby Grand)
Rain Gear
Watch/Alarm Clock
Water Bottle
Backpack (to carry your daily gear with you as move about camp)
What should I leave at home?
Don’t wear clothing or accessories that advertise inappropriate products, etc.
Any immodest clothing - if you question it, please leave it home.
Weapons (except small, pocket knife ) are not permitted on camp.
Rated R Movies or worse.
Music with Explicit Lyrics. (Any music played around campers/guest groups must be approved by the Program Director)
Illegal drugs, Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Marijuana.